MPL3115A2 Altimeter

The MPL3115A2 [1] from Freescale provides precision measurement of barometric pressure and altitude. It has a typical resolution of 1.5 Pascal resolution, and can resolve altitude to 0.3 meters. It has an I2C interface and includes a temperature sensor with ±1°C typical accuracy. It has an operating voltage range of 1.95 V to 3.6 V, so you'll need a regulator and logic-level conversion if you want to use it on a 5 V board.

Breakout boards are available from Adafruit [2] or SparkFun [3].


The default I2C address is #x60 or 96.


The following routine go initiates a reading on one-shot mode. The parameters are as follows:

  • alt: 0 = barometer mode, 1 = altimeter mode
  • os: oversample ratio from 0 to 7
(defun go (alt os)
  ; Enable data flags
  (with-i2c (str 96)
    (write-byte #x13 str) ; PT_DATA_CFG
    (write-byte #x07 str))
  ; Start one-shot reading
  (with-i2c (str 96)
    (write-byte #x26 str) ; CTRL_REG_1
    (write-byte (logior (ash alt 7) (ash os 3) 2) str))) ; Set OST bit

The following integer routine rdy reads the temperature and pressure status flag and returns t if a reading is ready:

(defun rdy ()
   (with-i2c (str 96)
    (write-byte #x00 str) ; STATUS
    (restart-i2c str 1)
    (plusp (logand (read-byte str) #x08))))


The following integer routine tmp reads the temperature and returns a list of two integers, the whole number degrees, and the number of 1/16ths of a degree, in Celsius:

(defun tmp ()
  (go 0 0)
  ; Wait for PTDR bit set
   (when (rdy) (return)))
  ; Read temperature
  (with-i2c (str 96)
    (write-byte #x04 str) ; OUT_T_MSB
    (restart-i2c str 2)
    (let ((msb (read-byte str))
          (lsb (read-byte str)))
    (list (- (logand msb #x7f) (logand msb #x80)) (ash lsb -4)))))

For example:

> (tmp)
(20 14)

To convert this to a floating-point number of degrees on 32-bit versions of uLisp call temperature:

(defun temperature ()
  (let ((c (tmp)))
    (+ (first c) (/ (second c) 16))))

For example:

> (temperature)


The following integer routine alt returns the altitude, in metres above sea level:

(defun alt ()
  (go 1 0)
  ; Wait for PTDR bit set
   (when (rdy) (return)))
  ; Read altitude
  (with-i2c (str 96)
    (write-byte #x01 str) ; OUT_P_MSB
    (restart-i2c str 3)
    (let ((msb (read-byte str))
          (csb (read-byte str))
          (lsb (read-byte str)))
    (list (logior (ash msb 10) (ash csb 2) (ash lsb -6)) (logand (ash lsb -4) 3)))))

It's returned as a list of two integers, in metres, and 1/4 metres.

To convert this to a floating-point number of metres on 32-bit versions of uLisp call altitude:

(defun altitude ()
  (let ((a (alt)))
    (+ (first a) (/ (second a) 4))))


The following floating-point routine hpa returns the atmospheric pressure, in hPa:

(defun hpa ()
  (go 0 0)
  ; Wait for PTDR bit set
   (when (rdy) (return)))
  ; Read pressure
  (with-i2c (str 96)
    (write-byte #x01 str) ; OUT_P_MSB
    (restart-i2c str 3)
    (let ((msb (read-byte str))
          (csb (read-byte str))
          (lsb (read-byte str)))
   (/ (+ (ash msb 8) csb (/ (ash lsb -4) 16)) 25))))

 For example:

> (hpa)

  1. ^ MPL3115A2 Datasheet on NXP.
  2. ^ I2C Barometric Pressure/Altitude/Temperature Sensor on Adafruit.
  3. ^ SparkFun Altitude/Pressure Sensor Breakout - MLP3115A2 on SparkFun.