Converting between C and uLisp
This article summarises how to convert values between C variables of different types and the corresponding uLisp objects.
27th March 2023: The examples have been updated to uLisp Release 4.4.
C to uLisp
The built-in function number() takes an int argument and returns a uLisp integer object.
For example, here's the definition of the uLisp function (millis) which returns the value of the Arduino function millis():
object *fn_millis (object *args, object *env) { (void) args, (void) env; return number(millis()); }
uLisp to C
The built-in function checkinteger() takes a uLisp object and returns a C int. It causes an error if the parameter isn't a uLisp integer.
For example, here's the definition of the uLisp function (delay n) which takes one integer parameter and calls the Arduino function delay(n). It returns n:
object *fn_delay (object *args, object *env) { (void) env; object *arg1 = first(args); delay(checkinteger(arg1)); return arg1; }
C to uLisp
On 32-bit platforms the built-in function makefloat() takes a float argument and returns a uLisp floating-point object.
For example the following function implements the uLisp function sin:
object *fn_sin (object *args, object *env) { (void) env; return makefloat(sin(checkintfloat(first(args)))); }
uLisp to C
On 32-bit platforms the built-in function checkintfloat() takes a uLisp object and returns a C int or a C float. It causes an error if the parameter isn't a uLisp integer or floating-point number.
For example, you could define a uLisp function radians that converted a Lisp number from degrees to radians as follows:
object *fn_radians (object *args, object *env) { (void) env; object* arg = first(args); return makefloat(checkintfloat(arg) * 3.14159 / 180.0); }
C to uLisp
The built-in function character() takes a char argument and returns a uLisp character object.
For example, here's the definition of the Lisp function code-char which takes a uLisp integer object and converts it to a uLisp character object:
object *fn_codechar (object *args, object *env) { (void) env; return character(checkinteger(first(args))); }
uLisp to C
The built-in function checkchar() takes a uLisp object and returns a C integer. It causes an error if the parameter isn't a uLisp character object.
For example, here's the definition of the Lisp function char-code which takes a uLisp character object and converts it to a uLisp integer object:
object *fn_charcode (object *args, object *env) { (void) env; return number(checkchar(first(args))); }
C to uLisp
The function lispstring() will take a C char* string and return a uLisp string object:
object *lispstring (char *s) { object *obj = newstring(); object *tail = obj; while(1) { char ch = *s++; if (ch == 0) break; if (ch == '\\') ch = *s++; buildstring(ch, &tail); } return obj; }
It uses the function newstring() to start constructing a uLisp string, and buildstring() to add characters to the end of the string being constructed.
For example, here's the definition of the uLisp Wi-Fi extension function (wifi-localip) which returns the local ip address as a uLisp string:
object *fn_wifilocalip (object *args, object *env) { (void) args, (void) env; return lispstring((char*)WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str()); }
uLisp to C
The function cstring() takes a uLisp string, a buffer, and the buffer length, and returns the buffer containing the uLisp string converted to a C string:
char *cstring (object *form, char *buffer, int buflen) { form = cdr(checkstring(form)); int index = 0; while (form != NULL) { int chars = form->integer; for (int i=(sizeof(int)-1)*8; i>=0; i=i-8) { char ch = chars>>i & 0xFF; if (ch) { if (index >= buflen-1) error2(PSTR("no room for string")); buffer[index++] = ch; } } form = car(form); } buffer[index] = '\0'; return buffer; }
It first calls checkstring() to check that the argument is a Lisp string.
This section explains how to convert between a uLisp list and multiple C values such as in variables, a struct, or an array.
C to uLisp
As an example of converting multiple values between C and Lisp, here's an example of a C routine to read the x and y values from an analogue joystick connected to the analogue inputs A0 and A1. It uses pointers to pass out the values x and y from the joystick:
void Joystick (int *x, int *y) { *x = analogRead(A0); *y = analogRead(A1); }
We will convert this to a uLisp function (joystick) which returns the x and y values as a list of two integers:
> (joystick) (512 250)
I usually find it useful to draw a diagram of the Lisp structure I want to construct:
The '4' label identifies an integer object. Here's the definition of the joystick function:
object *fn_joystick (object *args, object *env) { (void) args, (void) env; int x, y; Joystick(&x, &y); object *result = cons(number(x), cons(number(y), NULL)); return result; }
uLisp to C
To transfer multiple values from uLisp to C one way is to write a function that takes a list argument. Here's a function servo that takes a list of two values and writes them to analogue outputs:
object *fn_servo (object *args, object *env) { (void) args, (void) env; object *arg1 = first(args); if (listlength(args) != 2) error(PSTR("argument is not a list of two items"));
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); pinMode(6, OUTPUT); analogWrite(5, integer(first(arg1))); analogWrite(6, integer(second(arg1))); return arg1; }
The call to listlength() checks that the argument list contains two parameters. This isn't necessary if you are defining a function and have specified the number of parameters using the minmax code; see Adding your own functions - Minmax code.
To test the function you could write, for example:
> (servo '(255 255)) (255 255)