


Other SAMD21-based ARM M0 boards, such as the MKRZero, Adafruit Gemma M0, Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0, and Adafruit Feather M0 Adalogger are similar in performance to the Arduino Zero.

Other SAMD51-based ARM M4 boards, such as the Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 and Adafruit Feather M4, are similar in performance to the Adafruit Metro M4.

Other RP2040-based boards, such as the Raspberry Pi Pico W and Adafruit Feather RP2040, are similar in performance to the Raspberry Pi Pico.

Other K210-based RISC-V boards, such as the Sipeed MAiX One Dock and Sipeed MAiX BiT, are similar in performance to the Sipeed Maixduino.


The following table gives a summary of the performance of the different boards supported by the latest release of uLisp for each platform:

AVR-Nano version

Platform Processor Clock Current Objects Image Code GC time Tak Q2
Arduino Uno ATmega328 16 MHz 54 mA 320 256 0.5 ms 64.6 s  
Arduino Nano ATmega328 16 MHz   319 256 0.5 ms 63.3 s  
Arduino Nano Every ATmega4809 20 MHz   1066 64 1.4 ms 53.3 s 105 s
ATmega4809 Curiosity Nano ATmega4809 20 MHz   1066 64 1.4 ms 49 s 112 s

AVR version

Platform Processor Clock Current Objects Image Code GC time Tak Q2
Arduino Mega 2560 ATmega2560 16 MHz 90 mA 1344 1024 2.1 ms 52.9 s
Lisp Badge ATmega1284 16 MHz   2944 All 96 4.7 ms 54.6 s 109 s
Lisp Badge LE AVR128DB48 24 MHz   2800 All 96 2.5 ms 34.9 s 72.1 s
AVR128DA48 Curiosity Nano AVR128DA48 24 MHz 22 mA 2920 All 96 2.6 ms 33.1 s 69.3 s
AVR128DB48 Curiosity Nano AVR128DB48 24 MHz 22 mA 2920 All 96 2.6 ms 33.1 s 68.0 s

ARM version

Platform Processor Clock Current Objects Image Code GC time Tak Q2
Arduino Zero ATSAMD21 48 MHz 13 mA 2500 All 128 2.1 ms 11.4 s 24.3 s
Arduino MKRZero ATSAMD21 48 MHz 23 mA 2640 All 128 2.2 ms 14.2 s 32.8 s
Adafruit Gemma M0 ATSAMD21 48 MHz   2816 All 128 2.4 ms 14.9 s 33.8 s
Adafruit QT-Py SAMD21 ATSAMD21 48 MHz   2816 All 128 1.3 ms 14.9 s 33.8 s
Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0 ATSAMD21 48 MHz   2816 All 128 1.3 ms 14.9 s 33.8 s
Adafruit Feather M0 ATSAMD21 48 MHz   2816 All 128 1.3 ms 14.9 s 34.3 s
Adafruit Neo Trinkey ATSAMD21 48 MHz 14 mA 2816 All 128 1.2 ms 13.3 s 29.5 s
Seeed Studio XIAO SAMD21 ATSAMD21 48 MHz   2816 All 128 2.4 ms 14 s 41 s
Adafruit Grand Central M4 ATSAMD51 120 MHz 33 mA 28800 All 256 4.6 ms 3.9 s 8.6 s
Adafruit Metro M4 ATSAMD51 120 MHz   20480 All 256 3.3 ms 4.4 s 9.8 s
Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 ATSAMD51 120 MHz   20608 All 256 3.3 ms 4.4 s 9.9 s
Adafruit Feather M4 ATSAMD51 120 MHz 24 mA 20608 All 256 3.3 ms 3.8 s 8.6 s
Adafruit PyGamer/PyBadge ATSAMD51 120 MHz   20608 All 256 3.3 ms 4.2 s 10.2 s
Seeed Studio Wio Terminal ATSAMD51 120 MHz   20480 All 256 3.3 ms 5.3 s 13.0 s
BBC Micro:bit nRF51822 16 MHz 21 mA 1344 * 64 2.2 ms 36.8 s 79.5 s
Calliope mini nRF51822 16 MHz   3328 * 64 5.3 ms 34 s 82 s
BBC Micro:bit V2 nRF52833 64 MHz   12927 * 128 6.7 ms 8.6 s 18.9 s
Adafruit CLUE nRF52840 64 MHz   21120 All 256 7.8 ms 12.7 s 31.8 s
Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF52840 nRF52840 64 MHz   21120 All 256 6.8 ms 12.6 s 31.4 s
Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 nRF52840 64 MHz 11 mA 21120 All 256 5.9 ms 10.7 s 26.3 s
Circuit Playground Bluefruit nRF52840 64 MHz 19 mA  21120 All 256 5.9 ms 10.6 s 26.7 s
Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 133 MHz 24 mA 23000 All 256 4.0 ms 5.9 s 14.6 s
Raspberry Pi Pico W RP2040 133 MHz   23000 All 256 4.0 ms 4.8 s 12.9 s
Adafruit Feather RP2040 RP2040 133 MHz   23000 All 256 4.0 ms 5.0 s 13.1 s
Feather RP2040 Adalogger RP2040 133 MHz 33 mA 23000 All 256 4.0 ms 6.1 s 15.0 s
Adafruit Qt-Py RP2040 RP2040 133 MHz   22911 All 256 3.7 ms 8.9 s 22.3 s
Seed Studio XIAO RP2040 RP2040 133 MHz   22911 All 256 3.7 ms 9.2 s 23.1 s
Raspberry Pi Pico 2 ARM
Raspberry Pi Pico 2 RISC-V 
150 MHz
150 MHz 
20 mA
19 mA
5.0 ms
4.3 ms
5.0 s
3.9 s
12.3 s
10.4 s
Pimoroni Tiny 2350 ARM
Pimoroni Tiny 2350 RISC-V
150 MHz
150 MHz 
23 mA
23 mA 
5.0 ms
4.3 ms 
4.5 s
5.0 s 
11.5 s
11.8 s 
Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 ARM
Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 RISC-V
Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 ARM ¶
Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 RISC-V ¶
150 MHz
150 MHz
150 MHz
150 MHz
21 mA
20 mA
24 mA
23 mA
5.0 ms
4.3 ms
1.0 s
1.0 s
3.8 s
3.6 s
7.8 s
7.8 s
9.2 s
8.3 s
18.7 s
17.2 s
Maxim MAX32620FTHR MAX32620 96 MHz 6 mA 24704 * 256 5.4 ms 6.1 s 13.5 s
Teensy 4.0 iMXRT1062  600 MHz 101 mA 60000 All 256 1.3 ms 0.4 s  0.87 s
Teensy 4.1 iMXRT1062  600 MHz 110 mA 60000 All 256 1.3 ms 0.4 s  0.88 s
Arduino UNO R4 Minima RA4M1  48 MHz 34 mA 2032 1024 128 0.9 ms 10.1 s  22.5 s
Arduino UNO R4 WiFi RA4M1  48 MHz   1610 1024 128 0.8 ms 11.0 s  22.8 s

ESP version

Platform Processor Clock Current Objects Image Code GC time Tak Q2
Adafruit ESP32 Feather ESP32 240 MHz   9216 All 0.4 ms 8.1 s 22.1 s
Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2
Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2
240 MHz
240 MHz
60 mA
63 mA

0.4 ms
156 ms 
10 s
8.9 s 
26.0 s
21.9 s 
Adafruit QT Py ESP32 Pico ESP32 240 MHz   260000 All 156 ms 7.9 s 20.9 s
Muse Lab ESP32 Key ESP32 240 MHz 59 mA 9500 All 0.5 ms 6.3 s 16.8 s 
Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather
Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather
240 MHz
240 MHz
45 mA
47 mA 

0.4 ms
132 ms 
2.5 s
4.1 s 
5.4 s
8.6 s 
Adafruit ESP32-S2 TFT Feather
Adafruit ESP32-S2 TFT Feather
240 MHz
240 MHz
48 mA
54 mA 

0.4 ms
131 ms 
2.4 s
4.2 s 
5.2 s
9.1 s 
Adafruit ESP32-S2 QT-Py ESP32-S2 240 MHz   8160 All 0.6 ms 2.7 s 6.0 s
Unexpected Maker Feather S2 ESP32-S2 240 MHz   8160 All 0.6 ms 2.7 s 6.0 s
ESP32-S2-Soala-1 WROVER ESP32-S2 240 MHz   260000 All 137 ms 5.4 s 13.6 s
ESP32-S2-Soala-1 WROOM ESP32-S2 240 MHz   8160 All 0.6 ms 3.8 s 10.0 s
Muse Lab ESP32-S2 Key ESP32-S2 240 MHz 50 mA 8160 All 0.6 ms 2.4 s 5.8 s
ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 ESP32-C3 160 MHz 39 mA 9216 All 0.9 ms 4.8 s 12.1 s
ESP32-S3-DevKitM-1 ESP32-S3 240 MHz 73 mA 25000 All 1.1 ms 5.1 s 13.5 s
LilyGo T-Deck
LilyGo T-Deck ¶
240 MHz
240 MHz
145 mA
145 mA 

1.1 ms
230 ms 
2.1 s
3.3 s 
4.9 s
6.9 s 
M5Stack Cardputer ESP32-S3  240 MHz 86 mA 23750  All 1.0 ms 2.1 s 5.3 s 

RISC-V version

Platform Processor Clock Current Objects Image Code GC time Tak Q2
Sipeed Maixduino K210 400 MHz 145 mA 500000 * 512 44 ms 1.5 s 3.1 s
Sipeed MAiX BiT K210 400 MHz 91 mA 500000 * 512 44 ms 1.5 s 3.0 s


Current gives the active current consumption at 5V when powered from the USB port and running a benchmark.

Objects gives the number of Lisp objects of storage available, each equivalent to 4 bytes on the 8/16-bit platforms and 8 bytes on the 32-bit platforms.
¶ shows with PSRAM enabled, where available. 

Image gives the number of objects that can be saved to non-volatile storage using save-image, or All which means that the whole workspace can be saved.
* These platforms don't provide non-volatile storage for saving an image, but you can save images to an SD card with a suitable interface.

Code gives the number of bytes of machine code that can be stored by the assembler, by default, on AVR, ARM, or RISC-V platforms.
† means not available.

GC time gives the time taken for a garbage collection.

Tak gives the time taken to calculate the recursive integer function (tak 18 12 6); see Benchmarks.

Q2 gives the time taken to calculate the recursive integer function (q2 7 8); see Benchmarks.